Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Difference between a Restaurant and a University?


Let's see how this works: 

The manager of a local small time franchise makes a comment about rioters on Facebook, and enough people complain to the parent company that he's fired. Certain people rejoice. How nice of them. In case you're wondering, we here at Shoalanda don't want anyone shot over a demonstration, but we understand that people say things on Facebook without thinking and would never behave the way the meme implies.

A college employee singles out a downtown business and its owner and attempts to keep his customers away, but when local merchants and other citizens complain to the university, they receive no answers. We understand that a certain institution of higher learning is losing donations big time over this. Apparently that's all right since the college will simply ask the town it's located in to give even more to its upkeep.

The next time your hometown announces it will donate money to the local university, will you speak up?

Caution: Strong Language

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