Friday, October 9, 2020

Holt, Betterton, & Murphy


This is a guest editorial sent to us by a Florence reader. We're going to add one thing: We once had a food reviewer who left our blogging group because we criticized something that UNA, her employer, had done. She felt that it wasn't proper. Remember, she didn't write blogs for Shoalanda, but for Quad-Cities Cuisine. Yet we have a City of Florence employee who doesn't mind criticizing those taxpayers who fund his salary. Interesting...

Does Mayor Holt and Councilman Betterton both agree that PSS speaks for every black person living in Florence?

(Controversial Monuments and Memorials: A Guide for Community Leaders
Project Say Something's Whose Monument Project
Not Tearing Down History But Building Up Hope)
written by: Brian Murphy and published on June 22, 2018


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In the closing paragraph of his essay, Brian Murphy speaks on behalf of African-Americans living in Florence when he says, "African Americans continue to assert that the present is not too much different from the past."

I proudly voted for Mr. Sam Pendleton in the last election. While I would never attempt to speak for him, I sincerely doubt that Mr. Pendleton believes that to be true.. I also highly doubt that Dr. Jimmy Shaw would say that the year 2020 in Florence, Alabama is "not too much different" than the 1960's or 1860's.

Brian Murphy goes on to say, "citizens of Florence continue to argue about the place of African Americans in the current era."

As a citizen of Florence I personally find that to be very insulting. I would like to know if Mayor Steve Holt agrees with Murphy? What about Andy Betterton? Does he agree with that statement?

1 comment:

  1. "Does[sic] Mayor Holt and Councilman Betterton...". The writer lost me right there.
