Saturday, October 3, 2020

Meemaw, Beauregard, Hussein, Racist, Bad Food, Baby Killer, Pointy Haired...


The Internet if full of ad hominem attacks. For instance, have you ever...

1. Called an older woman Meemaw because you disagreed with something she said?

2. Used a politician's middle name because you thought he was too far right?

3. Used a politician's middle name because you thought he was too far left?

4. Called a person a racist because he didn't want to break the law?

5. Called a restaurateur a bad chef because he asked you to move along?

6. Called a politician a baby killer because of something in his party's platform?

7. Called a college president pointy haired because he tried to steal property from school children?

Oops, that number seven!!! It seems extremely familiar. Was it nice or even needed? No. We promise not to do it again. 

If you can't criticize a person for their actions, let's not criticize for their age, name, appearance, etc. We're pretty sure most of us have plenty of faults that can be mentioned without bringing up extraneous details. It's just not good form.

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