Thursday, May 11, 2023

Ernie Yarbrough Failed Biology, Didn't He?


Rep. Ernie Yarbrough has introduced a bill in the Alabama Legislature to declare that life begins at not conception, but fertilization. For those among us who may also be slightly fuzzy in the biology department, it takes up to five days for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterine wall and...voila...conception.

If this bill is passed, which we see no way in Hades that it would be, it would also criminalize the morning after pill, a form of birth control used by, among others, rape victims. Of course, we know ol' Ernie doesn't care a whit about rape victims.

Ernie strikes us as someone who has entirely too much time on his hands. How about looking into expanding Medicaid or chopping still more sales tax off groceries? You know, Ernie, something that would benefit thousands and thousands of tax-paying citizens out there who're just barely making it paycheck to paycheck. Or how about making it easier for the state to place confiscated children up for adoption. You know, a law that would have saved the lives of the Hartline children.

Alas, we have no reason to believe that Ernie will actually do anything while serving in the legislature to help the common man. We do have reason to believe that he bears watching...

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