Friday, November 26, 2021

PSS Claims Lack of Protection; Chief Tyler Claims Horse Hockey


This is the first of two articles on a recent complaint from Project Say Something concerning a lack of protection from Florence Police. Today we're presenting a video of a recent public safety meeting concerning this problem, as well as the homeless congregating around the Dream Center on Cloverdale Road. 

Before we present David Carson's editorial on the PSS complaints, we present the Public Safety Committee meeting on the PSS charges:


  1. Wait a this in bizarro world? While I initially and continually agree with the purpose of the PSS protest, isn't one of the things we saw and are seeing around the country is the ongoing problem of police brutality? IMHO, this was a noble idea; Project Say Something, that was hijacked by those more interested in personality puffing than in purposeful protest and comprised mainly of immature people who really just wanted a "participant" award for their efforts. While other parts of the country has shown there is a lot of room for improvement in the policing department, it is obvious to me that we are fortunate in Florence to have a chief with the common sense and level headedness of Ron Tyler. Perhaps PSS leaders could use his example of leadership in their quest to remove a symbol of oppression and actually accomplish something meaningful in an inspirational manner??

  2. Per SCOTUS, ' individuals are afforded protection by the police, but rather, the communities at large'. So, PSS can pound sand.

  3. on to the other topic of is absolutely scary to listen to these pampered, privileged elected officials talk with such callousness about those who are homeless...a case of NOT IN MY BACKYARD that is beyond uncaring and almost scary.....but you can believe they are the first to proclaim what good and faithful Christians they are when asking for a vote. They just have a problem with the practice of the religion, evidently. Maybe they should all have to spend a night OR SEVERAL on the streets before the next election. There are those out there who are homeless through no fault of their own....drugs and alcohol sometimes can be a minor problem when confronted with economic problems such as unlivable low wages and inflated rents, both of which are factors for desperation and concern in Florence by those who are one missed paycheck away from homelessness.
