Monday, February 8, 2021

Shoals "Woke" Dis the Yokels


Certain elements regularly accuse others of racism, whether deserving of such criticism or not. One would think these same individuals would wish to see all areas of the Shoals and the state equally served in opportunity and availability of necessary infrastructure. Apparently not.

Are there any so ignorant out there who don't know ATT U-Verse is not available to all citizens? Comcast? Sorry, that's not available to all either. Sad isn't it.

So why would a "woke" activist criticize a politician for living in an area with only dial-up Internet available. Does it make this politician, whose ideas you don't like, seem even worse because he's forced to use at home? Says a lot about you, doesn't it? It certainly says a lot more about you than it does about him.

We're not particularly overjoyed with some of this official's policies either. There's plenty to criticize without stooping to his home, vehicle, or Internet connection. Oh, yes, you've criticized his Christianity also...since yours is so much better?

Why don't we all get on board with helping our state and local leaders secure improved Internet service to under-served areas. After all, these "yokels" might just get a little more woke themselves if they had more information at their fingertips.

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