Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Sheffield Code Enforcement?

Three letters can seemingly describe Sheffield's attitude towards 'code enforcement'. Those three letters are 'WT#'?!

Prove me wrong. The pics are from a Sheffield residence on 31st Street, between Hatch Boulevard and Old Jackson Highway. The residence has looked like this for MONTHS.

The neighborhood is a very nice, middle class neighborhood. Residents living in this neighborhood should seriously consider suing the City of Sheffield for the 'devaluing of their properties'. I mean; would YOU want to live in a neighborhood with a house like this in it?

Again: 'WT#'?!


  1. Hello, I don't know how to ask this other than if I could have a conversation with you through email. I'm simply curious on a few things and am willing to share my questions in email, if you'd be willing to help!

  2. Want a story of how they harass others and will not work with them contact me.

  3. There is another such property on Annapolis St.
