Tuesday, September 22, 2020

New HPNA Website


We've often heard that history is written by the winners. This statement frequently comes after a lecture comparing the American Revolution with the War Between the States. Did you ever think how the war for our independence would have been chronicled if the colonies had lost? We'll admit here that had we been living at the time, we would almost certainly have been a Loyalist to the Crown. 

Nothing is ever 100% black or white. Gray areas fill most of any nation's history, and a new group has formed to present what many feel is some much needed education on a still controversial era in our nation's history. From their press release:

Heritage Protection of North Alabama (HPNA) today published their new website: HPNA-USA.com Since its founding in 2020 as a grass roots organization, HPNA has enjoyed significant growth, and we continue to attract people from all walks of life. Our important work continues daily in counties across North Alabama. 

This website is a much needed resource and platform for the public, media, academia, civic organizations, history organizations and government officials in North Alabama and beyond. HPNA brings truth, facts, respect and rationale to the discussions of American and Southern culture, history and the War Between the States. In today’s politically charged world, where propaganda and falsehoods dominate, this has never been more important. Our website will keep North Alabama up-to-date on HPNA activity and the many ongoing initiatives our talented team is working every day. It provides a wide range of educational material. HPNA’s professional historians, scholars and authors give you the information and tools you need to find the truth and answers to your questions. 

These respected individuals are available for speaking and interviews by contacting us at HPNA.USA@gmail.com. HPNA members are from North Alabama communities and include people from all walks of life. Our organization is open to all persons who believe in the principles of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and who love America, the South and our Southern culture. Heritage Protection North Alabama does not condone any forms of extremism. We do not support any group or organization that does. There is no charge for membership. You can join HPNA by sending an email to: HPNA.USA@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. Can you get your hood monogrammed to match the piping on the robe? Promoting racism under a "new" banner is nothing new.
