Saturday, September 5, 2020

Going After Someone's Job?


Hopefully most readers remember the Bible story of a servant forgiven a huge debt by his master, then refusing to forgive a small debt owed him. Similarly, a state employee received a Get Out of Jail Free card for unscrupulous acts and now is attempting to have a county employee terminated for acting socially responsibly. What should the public do?

Until now, we had merely hoped the state employee could be kicked upstairs. Calling for someone's job is a serious matter. We request thoughtful, polite comments!

Banning: Many readers choose to overlook our language and libel rules. Yes, we will ban you from our Facebook page and refuse to post your comments to our Blogspot. It's entirely up to us to make this decision. 

Next month we'll celebrate our 13th year publishing this political commentary. Until this week, the only person who had expanded vulgar missives to our e-mail was sex offender Derek Warren Logue. Now the best friend of a certain (we believe unhinged) state employee has taken that tack. Or is it the state employee himself? We assume he took seriously our warning of publishing his vulgar missives on the blog. We do wonder if this man's wife knows he's using her name?

Feel free to disagree - just do it politely!


  1. When Derek "The Loser" Logue becomes angry, which is frequently, he lashes out with obscenities and death threats, which undermines the fantasy anti-registry movement. Derek likes playing King of Perverts with a crown of poison ivy and throne over a septic tank.

  2. It feels good knowing I live rent free in your heads since neither of you can go long without obsessing over me. What a couple of pathetic losers! LOL

    Go ahead and keep thinking your lame words upset me. I get a good laugh out of them. You two, on the other hand, spend every waking moment discussing me because you two worship me as your God. It is quite amusing, actually.

    The difference between you and I is that i sit well abiove the septic tank, while you two float in it. Later, losers!

  3. "abiove" what? Stop embarrassing yourself in front of your hometown fans including your ex and her family.
