Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Colbert County School System Employee Speaks

On August 20, 2020 the Colbert County School Board and Superintendent Gale Satchel were addressed by Alabama's Education Associations local representative with concerns about cleaning supplies not being available for classrooms so that teachers may disinfect and clean during the school day. This meeting is available to view on the system website. The representative was given only 3 minutes and cut off. Stachel and the Board were asked to at least provide paper towels and bleach if other productions such as Clorox disinfecting wipes and disinfecting spray were not available due to high demand. As of 9/9/20 these requests still have not been met. Luckily many teachers had personal supplies they purchased out of their own pockets but they have been utilized and they are now left with nothing.

Colbert County Schools received funds totaling $1,666,450 related to COVID19. Of the funding received $1,094,825 could be used for needed cleaning supplies. A whopping $772,683 can be used specifically for training on sanitation and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, purchasing cleaning supplies and sanitizing products. Satchel touts her purchase of foggers for the system but those do not complete what is actually needed. These funds don't expire until 9/30/20. What is she waiting on? Why haven't supplies been sent to the classrooms? The foggers are useful but you simply can't sanitize spills, vomit, snot and other daily issues with a fogger.

While employees are reluctant to ask for supplies, they were asked for by their AEA representative and this request fell on deaf ears. Satchel has had a long standing issue with AWA and their representative but her personal feelings should not interfere with providing necessary supplies to keep the students and staff safe while in "her" system.

In addition, there have been numerous rumors about positive cases running rampant through one school in particular which also directly affect Satchel and her principal husband. Not saying anything publicly does not make it right and all stakeholders deserve better than what they are getting. 

If you'd like to see the havoc Satchel has caused in 4 years, just take a look at and see the decline in several of "her" schools that have suffered as she has almost sunk a ship that was in good shape when she took over just 4 short years ago. Declining enrollment, lower test scores, low employee morale, ill experienced leaders and lying when it's easier to tell the truth. I would suggest you check the recent financials, but they have not updated those on the website since February 2020.

Satchel has been using her position to seek employment around the southeast and using the "new" car she demanded. She drove to Florida without Board approval for out of state travel which should be listed in the Board minutes. This came to light because she failed to pay a $6.50 toll charge in September 2019 on the Tampa Hillsborough Expressway! Coincidentally or not, this was after the Hillsborough School's Superintendent resigned and applicants were requested. Even highway rules don't apply to her in Dr. Gale Satchel's mind. She has cost the taxpayers and the children enough!

It is time for a change in Colbert County. Satchel is a liability in this system and it is HANDS down time for a change! It's time for a leader with integrity and experience. I for one will make sure Gale Satchel does not get my vote, or anyone I can influence. Thankfully, there is another candidate that is highly qualified with integrity and experience. I intend to vote for that man, Chris Hand, and encourage everyone I know to vote for Chris Hand for Superintendent of Colbert County Schools.  I have had enough of the lies and inept management.

$292,857.00 for Education Health Wellness Program (EHWP)
$418,367.00 for the Educational Remove Learning Devices Grant Program (ERLDGP)
$182,543.00 for the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)
$772,683.00 for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER)
TOTAL - $1,666,450.


I think we all agree - for the safety of our children and teachers in the classroom, they should receive the necessary sanitary and safety cleaning supplies!!!!

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