Friday, January 3, 2020

Gun Violence Hits Family a Second Time

Chad Edwin Gardner Jr. died at the age of 27 - shot by a man dating his ex-girlfriend. The shooter is currently serving three years in an Alabama state prison for that crime. We'll not judge the circumstances of this shooting, but as with other gun crimes we've discussed, three years for taking a life? Is that all Chad Gardner's life was worth?

Now the table has turned for the Gardner family. Chad's younger brother Jordan Terry Gardner has been arrested for shooting a man dead on New Year's Day. Except this time the crime was not over a woman; police say Jordan Gardner shot his victim in cold blood during an attempted robbery. 

Did Jordan Gardner feel his crime would go practically unpunished, as had his brother's death? Guns seem to have played a large part in Jordan's life of crime. Yes, guns have their value in our society, but without the proper upbringing, those who use these guns see no value in human life.

One Gardner son dead and one Gardner son incarcerated for life...or worse. A very sad commentary just got a lot sadder.

I'm Totally Innocent - Just Like I Was The Last 12 Times I Was Arrested!

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