Monday, January 6, 2020

Shaft Crossroads Outreach, Shaft Room at the Table, Throw Money at Salvationist Church?

You've probably heard someone say "If alcohol were discovered today, it would be banned." Or perhaps "If gunpowder were invented today, it would be outlawed." Of course the problem here is that both have been with our civilization for hundreds of years, and we're having to deal with the reality, not the what ifs.

We believe the Salvation Army Church is similar to guns and alcohol. People simply accept it as being here "forever" and don't consider its true nature. If the Salvationist Church arrived for the first time today? This might be tonight's news:

Today a uniformed paramilitary group arrived from London. Setting up headquarters in Virginia Beach, these salvationists began to spread out to camps in all major cities. President Trump labeled the upstarts as similar to the Hare Krishnas who ring bells at airports for money. He further stated that Homeland Security was more than capable of handling any problems arising from this cult's emergence in the U.S., but advised all citizens to be vigilant. The group is known to discriminate against gays, and critics cite the "lack of Biblical teaching" in the church's basic tenets and donations being funneled to non-local causes.

Yet the reality is the City of Florence has turned its back on the Crossroads Community Outreach and Room at the Table, either stripping funding from these non-denominational groups or refusing to allow them into certain areas. Both are worthwhile organizations which do not discriminate and which help Shoals area citizens exclusively. Why? 

Tomorrow: Crossroads

Hari Captains?

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