Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Pervmore Palace Opening Draws Closer

Work at the Pervmore Palace in Tuscumbia continues on pace. We're not sure if a grand opening is scheduled, but we can easily visualize Chester McKinney and David Black at the ribbon cutting. If only there were a legal way to stop it...

If Rep. Andrew Sorrell has his way, the Pervmore in the old Four-Way Inn may be history in the very near future. He's introducing a bill exclusive to Colbert County that will require the county commission to approve any halfway or similar facility for sex offenders. Yet...

Colbert County Commissioner David Black has told various constituents that he sees nothing amiss with the Pervmore. Let's hope the other five commissioners disagree. Better yet, let's hope Mr. Black does not win re-election. 

If you live in Colbert County, be sure to tell Rep. Sorrell how much you approve of his legislation!

And I'll Be Living In Tuscumbia

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