Monday, January 13, 2020

What Happens if Sweetwater Booms?

Over the past few days we've been sent many theories concerning the preferential treatment the City of Florence has given the Salvation Army Church. Obviously, there could be more than one reason for this; however, the most credible theory may simply be that these officials do not want either downtown Florence or North Florence to be perceived as a bastion for the hungry and homeless. Remember, the city supported Crossroads Community Outreach when it was located in West Florence and more or less out of the public eye.

The Salvationists have always been in East Florence, aka Sweetwater. Yet, that community is changing. The new hospital is only one reason the community is growing, but it's certainly a major one. In short, Sweetwater is looking better by the minute. What happens when area businesses no longer want a shelter in East Florence?

If Florence city officials think there's little to no panhandling in the downtown or North Florence area, they have their heads in a Tennessee River sandbar. If Florence officials aren't aware that the Salvationists bus people downtown during business hours, they're badly in need of Spec Savers. 

Bottom line: Simply ignoring or pushing this problem to the fringe areas isn't solving anything.

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