Monday, January 20, 2020

Decatur SA Shelter Charges Homeless $10.00/Night

A Tennessee Valley Salvation Army shelter has just made some big news, but not in the way it intended. After the Decatur Salvationist shelter was featured in a WAAY report on the coming cold weather, many began to chime in concerning what can be termed "business as usual" at the facility.

It seems if the temperature is 40 degrees or above, anyone wishing to use the shelter is charged $10.00 per night. 

While we understand the rationale for the charge, we wonder how many who give to the SA know that this is the policy at that particular shelter. Some who posted comments mentioned having to pay $15.00 per night. Are certain doorkeepers pocketing the difference? 

One commenter accused an employee named Kevin of threatening to "put out" anyone who made comments to the press. Another stated that while handicapped individuals were accepted on the men's side, the women's side declined such people. If this isn't a violation of quite a few laws for entities accepting government funding, we can't imagine what would be. 

The SA employee who is quoted above asked that WAAY delete some of the comments. A quick second look shows that at least some were. So much for transparency.

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