Sunday, January 21, 2024

Why Wasn't the Alleged Salvation Army Rape Reported?


Three or four years ago, we began publishing stories from women who had been forced to resort to the shelter at the Salvationist Church. While all the reported events were troubling, one was particularly so. Allegedly, an employee of the SA had raped a woman who was seeking shelter.

The account of the rape was given to us by two or three women who were ostensibly at the shelter when it happened. We told these women to encourage the victim to report the attack to the Florence police. As far as we know, she never did.

According to the latest statistics, only 31% or rapes are reported in the U.S. There are many reasons these attacks are never turned over to authorities. In this particular case, the woman would have lost her "home." There could have also been other reasons. We urge any one who has been sexually assaulted to report the attack to authorities. There is no statute of limitations on rape in Alabama. You're helping not only yourself, but in all likelihood preventing future rapes.

We've been asked why we care about the Salvationists discrimination against gays. It's not just gays; it's also women, a much larger segment of the population. Do the right thing - make sure you know where your money goes before you write that check or send that PayPal/Venmo.

1 comment:

  1. Municipal street conditions this past week amounto to willful negligence by the various administrations.
