Saturday, January 27, 2024

Lie Down with the Salvation Army, Get up with Venereal Sores?


It seems the Salvation Army has been telling the Florence City Council how it's been reaching out to the homeless during the recent single digit weather. Really? 

It's an interesting tale, but totally untrue. A new group, which unfortunately has not until now seen the evils of the Salvationists, has been doing the leg work to find the unhoused and to transport them to the shelter, a shelter that our Florence tax dollars has helped sustain until recently.

So, tell us, New Kids on the Block, do you still think it's okay to work with the spawn of Satan?


This usurpation of credit is nothing new for the SA. Just look at their Angel Trees:

1. The SA asks needy families to drop by to sign up for assistance.

2. Community volunteers write family names on hanging cards.

3. Local businesses purchase trees and hang the cards.

4. Patrons select a family's card and return with presents.

5. Finally, the Salvation Army "gives" out this wonderful charity.

Stay tuned...later this year Shoalanda will be handing out free money in the form of income tax refunds.


Guten tag, I'm Rhett. I'm a five month-old male Dachshund mix in need of some new digs. Come by the Florence shelter in the industrial park to check me out:


  1. Home Free Haven is much more than an "uber" service for the Salvation Army. Having talked to Will Willis and his wife Tara, it is clear to me that these people have shown true self sacrifice in helping those less fortunate. To my knowledge, during the ice storm they transported those without shelter to churches in Elgin and Greenhill. They may have made a stop at the Salvation Army with "overflow" from the churches, but by no means were they doing "leg work" for the organization, They were just trying to help in whatever way they could. With or without credit.

    1. And it certainly isn't fair for the SA to claim the credit!
