Thursday, January 18, 2024

Auntie Eu-la Raises her Mistaken Head


Editor's Note: While we usually make every effort to use non-copyrighted illustrations, this is an exception. It came from the latest edition of Lagniappe, a Mobile publication. So we suggest you subscribe - it's fantastic: Lagniappe

We can remember when many were offended by referring to Robert Bentley as the Luv Guv - a title he had earned. Not too many seem as offended when someone calls Gov. Kay Ivey "MeeMaw." Since the lady in question is not anyone's nan, why the very ugly word for grandmother?

Now, we have a name for the governor that actually fits. She's Auntie Eu-la. Get it? She's anti-union. 

Have you been reading her pronouncements about the UAW's attempts to unionize car makers in Alabama? It goes something like this:

We have education in this great state; we don't need unions. These unions are from the wilds of Michigan and don't belong in our beautiful state. Have I mentioned we have everything we need here without more unions, especially education?

What education has to do with unionizing auto factories is beyond us, How do we feel about it? If workers vote no union, there shouldn't be one. If the workers vote yes to the union, they have spoken and Kay Ivey shouldn't have the slightest input.

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