Monday, August 7, 2023

"Nuclear Explosion" Lawsuit to be Filed against Muscle Shoals on Tuesday


A source close to the Lockhart/Wheeles situation has told us a lawsuit will be filed on Tuesday morning. It's being called a "nuclear explosion" that will rock the already unstable City of Muscle Shoals government.

Also, subpoenas will be issued to Mike Lockhart, Marcel Black, Blake Beck, and others requiring their testimony at Wednesday morning's hearing on the termination of Parks & Recreation superintendent Rusty Wheeles. 

Lawsuits are expensive, so if you're a citizen of Muscle Shoals, be sure to thank Mayor Lockhart for the loss of your taxpayer dollars. Speaking of Lockhart, we understand his wife Cheryl (pictured) works for the Muscle Shoals Board of Education. Could that be one reason he's so hot to allow the high school to usurp the ball fields at Gattman Park?

This is a developing story, and we plan to update Tuesday's events throughout the day...


This is Jiffy. He's an 18 month-old Australian Cattle Dog mix seeking a family to protect. You can find Jiffy at the Florence shelter on Roberson Road:

1 comment:

  1. As a Lawsuit is pending, it seems the Muscle Shoals City Council and affiliated Services are the Gag Gift that just keeps on giving...

    There’s the Police Chief and his ‘customized’ Underlings that ignore the area’s rampant drug use and distribution, making many wonder if they aren’t muddled up in it somewhere - Then there’s a Weak, Clueless, Pompous, Unqualified, Milking-the-System, Frequently-Traveling on ‘Mystery Trips’ individual, who’s pretending to be Mayor - Next, a Backbone-less Council Chairman who always seems to be in need of a long Nap and goes along with the rest of the Jokers, constantly taking the easiest possible way out - Then, there’s the Ego-driven, Grifter-style, ‘What’s-in-it-for-me’, Spiteful female Council member, who always votes to benefit herself ...only - Now, let’s not forget the ‘Wound-tighter-than-a-Spring’, Sneaky, Pot-stirring, Closet Bigot Council member who accuses others of being Racist as he practices the same attitude himself, while getting others to do his dirty work - And finally, the other two Council members, who, at least at the present time, seem to be the only ones capable of some Common Sense and vote according to what will benefit the City of Muscle Shoals, not just their ‘Pocket’, like the rest.

    So, if you’re tired of watching bad TV, head on over to the City Council meetings every First and Third Monday of the Month at 5PM for some fun. You never know what the Clowns will do next. As a side note, everyone more careful next time you vote, or you may end up with more yahoos like the bunch you already have there. Oh, and if you want to speak at the meeting, you have to sign up early on the Friday before, even if they haven’t gotten around to posting their Agenda yet, which happens frequently, and you’ll have no idea what they’ll be talking about. They probably don’t know either...

    Then, there’s Brittney Walters... That’s a WHOLE other subject for another time.
    Just sayin’.
