Sunday, August 13, 2023

New Mayors? The 24-Month Countdown Starts Now


Due to the finite wisdom of our state legislature, it's not 12 months, but 24 until the Shoals will return to the polls for municipal elections. Most of our readers have indicated they're looking forward to cleaning house...or should we say city hall?

Today's meme? Yes, one Shoals mayor is a registered Democrat and has run on that party's ticket from time to time. That's worked out well, hasn't it? Nevertheless, we believe in voting for the candidate, not the party. Apparently many don't understand to vote for the best candidate, not the worst. Two years isn't as long as it sounds. Get ready to produce some changes...

Can you match these mayors with their cities?

Hoping more feces doesn’t hit the fan before his term ends __________

Does whatever the council president tells him __________

Can’t do anything without his predecessor checking in __________

Terminates whatever employee his golf club pal tells him to __________       


  1. To borrow from The Joker: 'The Shoals needs an enema'.

  2. 2 years is more than enough to ruin a City .....and a Country. No Political Parties are showing an allegiance to Freedom, or We-the-People lately. Let's vote for the best person and hope the next election means Globalist-style Puppets with One World Govt agendas, or Greedy 'Self-Servers', don't get in.
