Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Demise of Local Swim Teams - Part I Sheffield


We don't know how many Shoals/Northwest Alabama towns have recreation departments, but certainly Florence and Sheffield are among those which do. Florence may have the larger, but Sheffield has always had a very active recreation branch. In fact, the Sheffield swim team often won Tennessee Valley and larger regional championships.

Pictured above is Jerry Mills, a former swim team coach for the City of Sheffield. This is what one of our bloggers said of Mr. Mills and his team:

Sheffield always had a very successful swim team. Jerry Mills (I don’t know if you know him, but he’s one of the best humans on the planet.) was the coach for as long as I can remember, and Holley Randolph was helping him. Mr. Mills quit to do personal training full time, but Holley was handling the swim team the last I heard. I didn’t even realize that the team had disbanded until I read your post. It’s a shame for both groups.

Yet, three years ago, the City ended the swim team. Now, as we write this blog, Sheffield is also attempting to divest itself of recreational properties by donating them to the school system. Many citizens are up in arms; we have to wonder where they were when Steve Stanley's inept advisors encouraged him to end the swim team, or at least allow it to be scuppered. Thinking about those millionaire tourists flocking to Inspiration Landing?

When the Sheffield swim team disbanded, some of the members of its championship caliber group aligned themselves with the Florence team. Now, three years on, these swimmers are again without a team...


This is Jolie. She's only six months old and appears to be a bit of a Heinz, but a beautiful one. You can meet and adopt Jolie at Florence Animal Services in the Florence Industrial Park on Roberson Road:


  1. All concerned parents of swimmers or potential swimmers in the city of Florence need to attend the Florence city council meeting today @ 5pm in the city auditorium on Pine Street behind city hall. Let the council know the vanity projects and wasteful spending on needless "rebranding" should go towards developing the area's youth and providing activities for growth and enrichment. This city needs LEADERSHIP but without a strong showing of opposition this current council is like a monarchy with their underlings doing their bidding. You SEE where nepotism got us Florence! The acorn did not fall far from THAT tree!

  2. Most city council meetings are deliberately set at times that prevent working citizens from attending.
