Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Here's Where the 14K Central Donation Came From


Pictured at left is Luke Mansell, principal of Central Elementary School. He recently posted about a $14,000.00 donation "from" Phillip Pettus. Many who saw this immediately seemed to think Pettus' personal money. 

Since we don't follow this school, we were not aware of this until a friend/reader sent us a copy. We immediately asked Mansell. No response.

We then asked Assistant Principal Jacob Fowler. No response.

We then resorted to contacting the school board's office where an extremely nice gentleman whose name we didn't get filled us in on this donation. We then filled him in on the lack of response from Mansell and Fowler.

We had assumed the donation came from COVID funds; however, it would appear that Central and a second school were the recipients of Pettus' discretionary fund for this legislative period. How these schools were chosen, we don't know. Both schools should consider themselves lucky to receive this bounty.

Bottom line: The money came from taxpayers - not Pettus himself.

1 comment:

  1. There was a comedy movie made in 2006 titled "Idiocracy". The plot revolved around 2 people who were sent to a future time where all America had succumbed to decades of "dumbing down". When I read this post on Facebook and the remarks gushingly thanking Phillip Pettus for his "donation" the first thought in my head was that the movie. It had became a documentary rather than a comedy movie since being filmed almost 20 years ago. People will believe anything these days. And even after they were shown the truth of where this "donation" came from (THEIR OWN POCKETS!) they still tried to defend their position that Phillip Pettus wrote the school a check! PT Barnum would be proud! What is SUPER scary is who wrote this post? The principal? Did he not know better or was he purposely trying to dupe the easily duped and pump up the reputation of Phillip Pettus with a lie?
    It is getting to the point where it is easier to "fool all of the people, all of the time" And there is ALWAYS a PT Barnum to fool the foolish!
