Friday, August 26, 2022

Fido Survived; Sasquatch Didn't


First a clarification: The dog shot by the Muscle Shoals police officer did not die, but was treated and returned to its family. Neither the dog nor the officer face any charges as far as we know.


Now an interesting tale from a reader:

I recently picked up a news publication displaying a photo of a young woman holding hands with a sasquatch. She looked intelligent and happy. I was impressed by her courage and obvious happiness. I've always wanted to hug a baby elephant, and here's someone hardly more than a child making her dreams come true.

Then I looked at the next photo and saw her beating the sasquatch with a baseball bat. I had no idea why she was hurting this animal.

Yes, there are too many of the big-footed guys running around, but how many would actually want to kill one for fun. Please keep her away from all the baby elephants.

When we see stories like this, we're always reminded of Southern Mama's question to her husband: Randy, we can't we buy our meat at Walmart like ever'body else?

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