Monday, March 21, 2022

Hate Women? Hate Gays? Florence Says Here's Some More Money!!!


Two years ago, the City of Florence attempted to donate 100K to the Salvationist Church to build a bigger, better shelter for the homeless. It met with resistance from many sectors. Now they're at it again, attempting to add more funding to this ill-advised project.

Would the city please address questions of rape and sex discrimination at the Florence church? How about their semi-public stance on gays? Roy Moore would fit right in.

Attn: Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church - Be sure to ask for your fair share as well. Every day, the Salvationist Church is exposed more and more. Ask yourself if you support even 25% of what this religious group does. Don't be fooled; research it yourself.


Some years ago, a Lions Club in northwest Alabama discovered its entire treasury of around $5,000.00 had just disappeared. Many had some very derogatory words about the club's treasurer. One older gentleman was heard to have commented not on the embezzler, but questioned why this club had that much money on hand when there were those who needed the funds for vision expenses.

Consider this: In August 2021, according to Charity Intelligence, the S.A. in Canada had 1.1 BILLION Canadian dollars in investments. (We're researching how much is held by the church in the U.S.)

Do you realize how much one billion dollars is? Why isn't most of this money being put to use to help those the church claims to love and care for?


  1. In rewatching the city council meeting, it was unclear whether they approved the 100k or kicked it until the next meeting to throw the public off so they can "unanimously" pass it then. Of course, it was hard to follow with Tricky Dick trying to play "out of it college professor" to the students participating in student in government day. His "wet brain" came in handy for the "role" of addled professor but it was hard to watch him slur his words and generally get the entire procedure wrong while he was trying to explain council procedures to these students. This council must have a mole on the inside of the Salvation Army kicking back something. No money for "Room at the Inn" but open the spigot for the "Salvationist"! Strange that Bill Griffin was absent and this all takes place in his district. Nonetheless, the Salvationist KNOW they will get their payday from the Florence City council...just let that spigot drip!

    1. Profound comment. Compare police complaints about Room at the Inn to complaints concerning the SA shelter. Not even close. We hear very little supervision by the Salvationists.
