Friday, March 4, 2022

Which Russellville Electric Board Employees Make $87.03 an Hour?


Do you receive your electric power via the Russellville Electric Board? Then you really should be asking some questions. 

Let's look at the above invoice for copies of public documents. Since we don't know how many pages were copied, we can't determine a page cost from this invoice. We would be interested in the cost of paper and toner purchased by the REB.

The real kicker here is that the recipient of these documents paid an employee over $87 an hour to print out these pages, perhaps place them in envelope, and then hand to the recipient. 

$87.00 an hour - think about that the next time you pay your utility bill!


  1. A realistic look at this is, (I make no more assumptions than you do)it cost $8.70 to make the documents and it took 10 min.

    1. You realize this invoice shows 7.2 hours of employee time?
