Saturday, March 5, 2022

Legislation Sponsored by Phillip Pettus in the 2022 Session


Many professional organizations have the motto "If you can do no good, at least do no harm." Wouldn't we all be better off if every public servant adopted this motto?

According to Legiscan, Rep. Phillip Pettus Sr. (or is that the first?) of Green Hill has been involved in introducing 29 bills this session - so far. At least he's productive in some manner, but what manner? Let's look at some of these bills:

* Three of these bills are actually types of commendations for Alabama citizens, extant or deceased. Nice, but unneeded.

* A special memorial day for deceased Alabama police officers. Again, nice, but not exactly advancing the betterment of the state. Plus, do state employees get another paid holiday? Your tax dollars at work.

* Two bills to change state Correctional Incentive Time. If one is good, two are better?

* A bill condemning Russia. Now if you don't think Russia (Putin) is a total blob or useless feces, there is something wrong with your sense of humanity. Yet, is it a necessary use of legislative time?

* Still another bill to ban state funding of induced abortions. What, three aren't enough to get the point across already?

* A bill to take even more of TVA funding away from Florence and other local municipalities. Let that one sink in, all you Ag Center supporters.

* This one's the most abhorrent of them all. A bill to increase retirement for certain state law officers (most are state troopers). In other words, Pettus is sponsoring a bill that would possibly up his own retirement or at least his friends'. This may be needed, but is certainly not avoiding the appearance of evil.

Remember, there's still time for several more of these great little additions to our laws...

Pray for the defeat of evil whether in Russia or Lauderdale County.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Golly, Gosh, Wow. Putin bombed the American-Run (Pentagon-Funded with US Taxpayer Money) Toxic Chemical and Deadly Disease Biolabs in Ukraine. How DARE he! Now, *Wringing hands and clutching pearls* what WILL the Globalist Powers-that-Be do when they need a new Plague/Anthrax/Smallpox Variant to 'spread' around the US to scare the Moronic Minions? Should we TRUST Putin completely? Niet, Nope. But Putin doesn't want that Toxic garbage near his country and someday *Haha* we will realize how stupid we were to fund it in the first place. I didn't know it was there - Did you? Wake up and smell the coffee, People. Think our Government cares about us? Think again.

    Meantime, in Shoals La-La Land...Sounds like Pettus is just another average Shoals Puppet - Does nothing worthwhile, but has built a resume of 'stuff' to Fool the Fools.
