Friday, February 7, 2020

Community Complaints about Lexington School

School fundraisers? Are there any out there who weren't forced to engage in these activities at some point? For many of us, it was selling magazines, but over the years fundraisers have morphed into fruit of the month to mattresses to coupon books. What do such fundraisers say about the financial condition of our schools?

Or would it be better to ask what such fundraisers say about those who manage the school system's finances? Not every whim is a need. It seems a recent purchase by the administrators at Lexington School and a subsequent fundraiser has drawn the ire of some families in that eastern Lauderdale Community.

Every School Needs Its Own Commercial Smoker Trailer, Right?

Pictured above is a commercial type smoker trailer that was reportedly authorized by Lexington principal Todd Davis. 

Todd Davis - Hired from outside the System in July 2018

The person who sent this to us had reason to believe this little jewel retailed for around $10,000.00. A little research indicated that, while no smoker trailers were cheap, price was determined by size (capacity and length). We found some that could be had for around half the alleged price tag in this instance, but that was the cheapest. In other words, that's still a lot of money for a county school to spend on something that could be considered non-essential.

Red Hot Coupons Here, Folks!

Now Mr. Davis has sent out letters to parents asking for support for the school's latest extra fundraiser. Each student is expected to sell four coupon books (read: parents are expected to buy these if their children can't foist them off on anyone). Many in the school district are not enthralled with this latest fundraiser for a school they say is profligate in its spending.

One reader asked if the Lauderdale County Board of Education is paying attention to alleged shenanigans at the schools under its care. We have no idea how much money Mr. Davis may spend without board approval, but we would think something as expensive as a smoker trailer would have required a board authorized purchase order. Did it?

To parents, we say this: You are under no obligation to sell anything for your child's school. If you have extra money and want to help, great. If money is tight, you have paid your taxes and school fees; now nothing else should be required of you. 

Welcome to Lauderdale County/State of Alabama education 2020...

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