Sunday, December 10, 2023

"That's How We Spell It in Alabama"


How many times have you heard someone say they make up their own rules? Do you think these individuals are in line for a raise or a promotion? When inevitable layoffs come, who do you think will go first?

Alabama and the Shoals have a brain drain. We constantly see articles on the lack of education and job training in this state, but how about attitude? When those tasked with leadership or influential positions are constantly in error, what does that say about us as a possible location for that new business or industry?

An article in the TimesDaily last week reminded us of a sad, but humorous, remark by a reader. The article on a drug drop arranged by a Lauderdale County Detention Center trusty referred to the miscreant as a "trustee." No, this wasn't by some intern, but was written by the city editor. 

Years ago, we had mentioned a similar error in the TD and received a reader reply that was how it was spelled in Alabama. We have no idea why our state is entitled to its own spelling, but we're pretty sure we know one of the main reasons it's always in the bottom five of most lists.


Want to help out some of God's angels on earth? Go by the Florence Municipal Building on West College Street and adopt a dog or cat from their angel tree. We promise the one you pick won't grow up to be a bank robber or serial killer.

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