Saturday, December 16, 2023

Sheffield, Are You Missing a Truck?


From our long-time blogger J. Redmon:

This truck is currently located at a private residence in Sheffield and has been at that location for months. The truck's hood is off and lying on the cab of the truck. Any bets that the one 'working' on it isn't a certified mechanic?

No matter the condition of the truck, it has some monetary value, if only for scrap. If the property is left unattended and the vehicle is stolen, would Sheffield's insurance cover the loss?  We doubt it, but welcome any comments.

Everyone has heard the old saw "Penny wise and pound foolish." Yet it seems that Sheffield is continually foolish with both pennies and pounds (dollars).


Speaking of Sheffield and foolish in the same sentence reminds us of John Elkington. When will the Colbert County town sue Elkington, or his limited liability company? Could it recover the Inspiration Landing property? Could it ever recover any money spent on developing the land, no matter how little?

What happens when Elkington no longer graces this mortal plane? He has a wife and three sons; he has business partners. What avenues are open to Sheffield at this point?


To Mayor Steve Stanley: There is more chance of DreamVision being built than there is of you being re-elected. Why not stand up and do the right thing by telling the citizens of Sheffield exactly how bad the town's financial situation is?

1 comment:

  1. The City of Sheffield should change its motto to 'Stupid is as stupid does.'
