Tuesday, April 18, 2023

You CAN Legislate Moral Behavior


Alabama state senator Jay Hovey has just announced that "you can't legislate morality." That's true; however, you can in some cases legislate moral behavior. If that weren't true, there would be no need for our legislature and a greatly diminished need for a county commission or city council.

No, mere legislation has very little effect on crimes of violence, but it can have a tremendous effect on property and traffic crimes. What about gun crimes?

We have to ask why our current gun laws aren't more widely enforced. Surely such enforcement would cut guns crimes by at least ten percent if not much more. 


We recently read an article that shocked us. It seems that only three countries in the world include the right to own guns in their constitutions. Which besides the United States? Mexico and Guatemala. 

1 comment:

  1. To the best of my knowledge, ALL crime is 'illegal', yet that FACT hasn't prevented criminal activity. Why not? According to teens in my school '...it is because the paltry punishment *possibly* received *isn't* a deterrent'.
