Saturday, April 15, 2023

Rogersville Says You Can't Have Water?


Previously: Rogersville Increases Water Rates

Now a reader has sent us this startling claim about the town's water department:

"Rogersville Water Works & Sewer Board is now requiring ALL new construction, whether residential or commercial, to complete a water and/or sewer availability application. If approved, the customer may then complete the application process for water and/or sewer and pay appropriate tie in/tap fees."

Rogersville is no longer offering water to new homes. How do they decide who gets water and who does not? Members of the board are building new homes as we speak.

Does Mayor Herston decide who is worthy of water and who is not?

Is this a way of extorting money because the state has cracked down on the number of tickets they can write?

Some people will be granted water and some will not. All on Mayor Herston's political whim.

Residential housing approved for water. What is the criteria? That can't be legal.

What conditions would cause a family to not be approved for water hook-up? This is insanity.

While we don't know who may be affected by this new policy, if any of our readers feel discriminated against, we suggest contacting:


  1. Looks to me like Rogersville is offering water to new homes, they are just not paying for the hook up. Why would you not want to know where and how the city's water is being used? There are probably situations where city water should not be used. Looks to me like they want things to be held to a certain standard, and this provides, that.

    1. Excuse our introduction of logic into the topic, but wouldn't that fall under the town's building department?

  2. It should, but shouldn't the city be working with the building department?
