Thursday, March 16, 2023

"And the Mayor Isn't Concerned"


What municipal services are being cut back and limited due to Sheffield making monthly payments in excess of $20,000 toward Inspiration Landing?

Our city streets are in ruins. The Street and Sanitation Department is unable to adequately deal with street side rubbish collection. Roadside litter rivals that of Third World countries. Derelict buildings and automobiles abound.

Why? Unless budgeted monies are being syphoned from to make those lofty monthly payments. I've said it before and I'll say it again: We need an audit of Sheffield City's finances.

And the mayor '... isn't concerned '... Well, he damned well better be!

As always,


Over the years, absolutely no one has ever asked: Shoalanda, how did you get to be a political pundit? So now we'll answer the question no one asked.

Years ago, the City of Florence made an illegal, unsecured loan of 400K to a developer, who ultimately repaid none of it. We don't know how you feel about losing 400K, but to us, it's a lot of money.

Sheffield has now paid approximately 300K plus on USDA loans and is rumored to have also paid a 250K balloon payment - all for improvements on property that doesn't even belong to the town. How can anyone not be concerned about that? 

Apparently the TimesDaily isn't concerned; so far not a peep from anyone but the Quad-Cities Daily and our blog...and several readers who have mentioned stocking up on popcorn. This may be a bumpy ride.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone have the phone number of the State's Attorney General's Office handy?
