Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Questions the Public Wants Answered


"Logistical" logo questions:

1. Is Andy Betterton, aka Napping Nancy, actually the highest paid mayor in the state?

2. Betterton indicated that around three agencies offered submissions for the logo; what was exact total and who were the also-rans?

3. Who paid for the logo launch party at the Shoals Theatre? (We have no official answer, but we're not afraid to guess the Florence taxpayers.)


Something that we can definitely answer here is concerning the bid law. Professional services are exempt from the $15,000.00 cap. It hasn't been that many months since we asked how Chandler Painting won a 7.5K contract to prime a wall for a mural. The company had some bad reviews on Yelp and elsewhere, but we assume the owner knew someone at city hall. 

The Royal Avenue pool redo from a few years ago? Ditto. Bob Hill's brother "won" the coveted contract as well as some more.


One of our regular bloggers continues to ask for a recall petition concerning Sheffield mayor Steve Stanley. Good luck...if the citizens of Florence haven't demanded Handy Dandy Andy's ouster yet, we feel Stanley is safe.


On a final note, if Florence's logo must be named, it is a giglio, not a fleur de lis. Our sister city is in Italy, not France. And those citizens of Florence? We're Florentines - not Floalaenciantises. 


  1. Yes, Florence's sister city is Florence, Italy - "Firenza". And the Symbol for Firenza IS a Red Fleur de Lis on a white or silver background.

    That said, whatever Florence 'Bozo' chose the new Logo, needs to have his head removed from his nether region.

  2. Andy must be taking 'decision-making' lessons from Brandon.
