Monday, January 24, 2022

Flo's Back & She's Ready to Rumble!


Spend Your Money in Florence or Kiss My Grits!

Today only we're having a special on city logos. Yes, friends, for only $24,999.99 we're offering this oh, so original logo that's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face as you wonder "What Were They Thinking?"

Where does the buck stop? There are probably enough bucks to go around since Florence is so loaded, but we're going with Handy Dandy Andy here. He could have offered some rational, wait. We forgot whom we were talking about.

Sincerely, Florence Castleberry



  1. It SHOULD read: 'Florence...the most gullible city in the South'.

  2. Well, they literally threw it in your face citizens of Florence and although the response on "social" media was overwhelming, you can take bets that there will be maybe a dozen at the next council meeting to ask questions and try to get some answers, and one of them will be a sermon from a local preacher gushing his appreciation for getting a pothole fixed. It isn't so much they don't hear what a bad job they are doing, they really just don't care. "Line those pockets, waste taxpayer money and get my nephew a job with the city" seems to be the new mantra of the Florence City council. The saying is: "you get what you vote for" and the city of Florence follows it in spades. From Dandy Andy to Tricky Dick; this may be the most secretive, inept and backdoor dealing council I have seen Florence elect in my nearly 70 years as a citizen of this fair metropolis. Where is Oscar Ray Peden when we need him??????? Shoalanda, you might investigate the one day appointment of a comptroller rerun who had the keys to the kingdom and seems to have taken the budget out for a test drive.
