Monday, August 23, 2021

Anti-Vaxxer is "Fixin'" to Make Himself Known...He Hopes


Perhaps you've been reading about David Aaron Hendricks on Facebook or Reddit. He's a Registered Nurse residing in Limestone County and not at all shy about expressing his counter-culture beliefs. The question is: Should you listen to him?

His page features many product endorsements, some of which are labeled as income producing, and some we are left to assume are from the goodness of his heart. His posts also feature holy roller rock concerts at what seems to pass as worship services in the lives of many. You'll also find diet tips, most of them intelligent and well-thought out. Then there are the anti-vax posts that make up a platform for the Ardmore resident.

That's right, we said platform. Hendricks has recently left his job as an ICU nurse at a North Alabama hospital. His page showcases a photo with Mo Brooks and the comment that he's considering a run for the State House. He's also ungrammatically announced he's "fixin'" to begin a new, presumably anti-vax campaign for hospital/medical workers required to take the big jab. (For any who may not know, medical establishments have long required Hepatitis B vaccines as a requirement for the job.)

Returning to Hendricks' advice on nutrition, we find the most telling post of all:

The above chart depicts, among other things, what soy in the diet does to males. The only problem is that legitimate studies totally debunk that theory. Look at the 1940s' image; how many of you have photos of your father or grandfather from that era? Did he look like a gorilla? No, we didn't think so. Nor do most males today look like a pre-serum Steve Rogers.

Yet that's not the main takeaway. Note the small print over the bottom images: The Decline of White Masculinity. Say what? You mean soy affects only white men and not black men?

Before he was a nurse, the bearded and tattooed Hendricks states he worked in law enforcement. Somehow, we don't think he's a great example of either. You have been warned...


  1. Sometime in the Future, millions of "Vaxxed" people will be watching TV when the infomercial comes on telling them "...if you received any of the Covid Vaccines (and are still alive), contact the Law Firm of "Weknewit and Triedtotellyou" for Compensation for your ongoing Debilitating Conditions.".
    Out of the Millions of people staying away from the ClotShots, you found a good one for your post - someone who makes all of the rest of us look like Fools. We'll see who's still standing in the years to come. Just sayin'.

  2. You mean one anti-vaxxer is more foolish than the other???? There are degrees of foolishness among the conspiracy theorist???? I have to start rating you idiots now as well as stay as far away from you as possible???? (I was doing THIS pre-Covid) WAY too much trouble! Thankfully, I have the vaccine! While you overload the Alabama hospital system with your sick and dying the rest of us must pay the price for your foolishness. Talk to me when you get on the vent there Justher, or one of your "millions"....personally, I think you asked for the virus, suffer the consequences AT HOME if you want to be completely genuine....wait we are talking about the Alex Jones crowd...genuine NUT JOBS who scream what victims they are when made to pay for their stupidity.

  3. My goodness you're an angry soul. If you've had the Jab, then why are you so concerned? Aren't you supposed to be immune to all forms and garden varieties of Covid now? Have you asked Uncle Fauci why you still need more Jabs and have to wear 37.3 Masks everyday? Man, what a bummer! You got the bad end of that deal, didn't you? I mean, now you'll be part of that overload of the Alabama Hospital System and...and... be sick and really icky. But then, all of the rest of us not getting the DeathJab, won't have to worry, because all of you will be 'Vaxxed-to-the-Max' and Masked within an inch of your silly lives. We can go on living - you know, walks in the fresh air, biking with friends, picnics in the parks, dancing to good music. Too bad you'll be too busy ranting and howling at the moon behind your Masks. Life can be so unfair, n’est pas ?
