Thursday, August 12, 2021

Pithy Remarks to the Lauderdale County Commission...and its Counterparts


Some of us may be lucky enough to have a job which one percent of the time offers some glamour. You know, the free banquets where people actually tell us they're glad to meet us or where we have our photo taken with the governor. 

The other 99%? That's a lot of hard work and a huge amount of difficult decision making. That's (read this twice, it's the main point!) so consumed in minutiae and correcting other's bad decisions that you often have to eat lunch at your desk instead of shopping for that new vehicle you've been wanting. It's called being a good employee/public servant who gets the job done without complaining.

How much time has the Lauderdale County Commission spent on needless chatter about the new Ag Center, a totally unneeded white elephant that is currently robbing local school children of funding? In case any are unaware, the "county commission" was for years called the "road commission" because that was the bulk of its responsibility. How are local residents going to make it to that much awaited Pink Floyd concert if the road to their subdivision is washed out?

From a valued reader: This is in response to the post about the water pipe in Waterloo where the commission has failed to maintain the road. The commissioners in this county flat out are terrible, our roads are awful and in need of repair. Drainage ditches are also in need of being scooped out. There is a road in Eastern Lauderdale that has so many potholes in it that the road has fell apart and sunk in. The commission’s answer about paving that road is always “We don’t have any money”. There would be money if the wasteful spending for the grand and glorious Ag Center would’ve not been built. Our so called leaders have scammed the people of Lauderdale Co. with this Ag center. I guarantee elected officials from state senators, state representatives, county commissioners, and school board members are getting kickbacks some where and that furthers the corruption in this county.

No, road repair may not be as glamorous as opening night at a new county monstrosity, but it is much more in the scope of your jobs. People don't care if you secured a new bocce ball court for Rogersville or a new space needle for Waterloo if they can't get out of their driveway without a pontoon boat. 

Those who write to us universally think local leadership doesn't rise to even a mediocre level. You might want to think about that long and hard.

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