Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Lauderbert BOE Discusses Masks


Last night, the Lauderbert County Board of Education met to discuss two pressing issues. First up was the hamster infestation at Zion Rill Middle School cafeteria. Due to the unexpected appearance of a PETA attorney speaking on behalf of the hamsters, that item was shelved until next month's meeting.

However, the second agenda item did make it to the public input stage. Speaking on the mask/no-mask issue were three Lauderbert experts who were met with various degrees of emotion from the audience.

First, Madame Elvia Ledbottom spoke: "I see many here tonight who regularly visit my trailer just off Highway 72 for advice on which lottery numbers to purchase, but tonight I'm here to reveal how to defeat COVID in schools once and for all. I've had the same dream three nights in a row, making my prediction 99.99% accurate. Yes, all students must dress entirely in chartreuse for seven days. At the end of that week, COVID will be eradicated from our school system. I ask you, have I ever been wrong?"

After a few minutes of applause, eye-rolling, and stunned silence, the board introduced the second speaker, Rev. Lonzie Simpkins, director of the Most Holy Church of Hog's Neck, Alabama: "I am here tonight to offer salvation from this plague. Allow me to lay hands on all students before the start of classes and I can promise a healthy student body. In a few cases, usually those of older teenage girls, I may have to lay hands on a second time, but I can promise that this method is fail safe."

Applause seemed to equal the groans coming from the audience after Simpkins spoke. Finally the chair recognized Dr. Lucien Poindexter, a professor of microbiology at the local university: "On behalf of the local scientific community, I ask the board to pass a mask mandate. It's not perfect, but it will decrease the chance of COVID transmission drastically and provide the best defense against the disease that we can offer the students."

Before Dr. Poindexter could return to his seat, many in the audience had reached for their pitchforks. Great shouts of curses filled the auditorium as the crowd chased the professor from the building to his waiting vehicle already being vandalized by the speedier in attendance. 

There you have it - Many in our country would prefer green clothing or even groping by a dirty old man to wearing a face mask. And Obama still clings to the idea of mandatory voter participation...


  1. Per a very recent John Hopkins' study: 'Masks provide little to no protection against COVID-19'. 'Follow the science'?

    1. The Johns Hopkins website disagrees with you: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know

    2. Try using CURRENT data from John Hopkins:https://www.westernjournal.com/results-johns-hopkins-study-conclusive-people-pushing-forced-covid-measures-kids-fighting-science/

    3. https://www.wnd.com/2021/09/face-masks-children-ineffective-dangerous/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-brief&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=brief&ats_es=7e3a7eb6ba70acb082b3064436782393

    4. The World Net Daily is called a fringe conspiracy site. We think there is little truth to learn from it. Check out the reviews from independent middle of the road sources.

    5. The Western Journal article deals with the vaccine, not masks.

    6. Re: WND: Your assertion could be applied to the local concensus of a well-known blog, or 2.

    7. https://www.wnd.com/2021/09/major-media-reports-questioning-masks-flagged-misinformation/

  2. 1. This IS America and there are "Repulsivecan's" among us AND 2. This IS Alabama and the Repulsivecan ignorance is at it's peak.....when it comes to Repulsivecan's remember: YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID! (now go take your horse de-wormer Mo Brooks and company) LMAO

    1. Like I said in a previous post: get your ass to Afghanistan if you hate America so much.

    2. Why go to Afghanistan when we have the Talibama party here in America thriving in places like Texghanistan? Religious zealots who persecute women, minorities and gays are not just confined to the middle eastern countries or the Islamic religion...they thrive in hot beds of "holy hatred of sin" at fundamentalist Christian churches even in places like Littleville, Alabama!

  3. Expecting a piece of cloth, or a 'Blue' Mask to stop a Virus particle, is like throwing sand at a Chain-Link Fence and expecting the fence to stop it. If 'Science' isn't good enough, how 'bout using tried-and-true common sense ? And....I'm still searching for those "Hazardous Waste" containers for all those USED Masks. Hmmmmm Face it, we've been 'had' on the whole Mask thing. It's not about Health - it's about Control.

    1. Used COVID masks have replace plastic bottles as the 'number one trash item found on beaches'.

  4. Yet even a chain link fence keeps out a small amount of sand. http://www.pennswordtwo.com/article/isnt-reducing-chances-of-your-childs-death-or-serious-illness-by-10-worth-it.html

  5. I truly wonder what would happen if Mr."We should reduce the Population of the World by 50%..." Bill Gates, or Fauci told people their only chance to survive covid was to jump off a high cliff, how many would jump. I suspect the numbers would be high - Why, because those people are dumb? No, it would be because they are being bombarded daily with information meant to scare them. We can all cite hundreds of websites and argue until we're blue in the face, but bottom line ... we need to understand that this whole thing isn't about a virus. This planet has lots of viruses and many of them are very bad boys, but why is this one getting ALL the attention when the stats don't support the fearmongering? There's more at stake here than a virus with a HIGH survival rate. Think outside the box and you'll find out there's more smoke and mirrors being thrown at you than Truth. Don't jump off that cliff - they want you to.

    1. For your education, Ivermectin was FDA approved for human use in 1996 and in other countries since 1987. It has been used to successfully treat more than 5.2 Million people worldwide. And continues to cure to this day.

    2. https://rumble.com/vlpecw-the-story-of-ivermectin.html

  6. 'Those willing to sacrifice Liberty for safety deserve neither.' - Benjamin Franklin

    'It's only a star made of fabric. Where's the harm in sewing it on our clothes, especially if it keeps us from being beaten?' - Unknown Holocaust victim

  7. https://www.westernjournal.com/ivermectin-hit-piece-debunked-hospital-steps-forward-truth/
