Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Lauderdale Commission v. West Lauderdale Water?


Buck passing? It should be an Olympic sport. We're pretty sure some Alabama officials would bring home the gold.

Remember Paradise Drive in Waterloo? Above is a photo of the subpar roadway. That PVC pipe? That's what brings drinking water to the local residents, courtesy of the West Lauderdale Water Department.

Why is the pipe exposed? The water company says it's the fault of the Lauderdale County Commission for not maintaining the drive. The commission says it's the responsibility of the water company since the pipe belongs to them. Responsibility obviously isn't everyone's strong point.

The county commission has also been very quiet recently concerning ongoing work to widen Paradise Drive. It was the recent scene of another accident; however, no one died...this time. 

What will it take to remedy this situation? Aren't there enough lawsuits in the world already? If anyone has any further insight into this, please contact us. We'll be doing an update at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. Most codes require water lines/pipes to be a MINIMUM of 18-inches below ground. However, Town Creek has a similar issue on Hwy 30, just west of town, where a section of the City's water line is exposed on the surface.
