Saturday, October 19, 2019

Aldani Faith Byrd - Judge Ben Graves Should Note!

Yesterday we linked a news post on Aldani Faith Byrd's arrest for Armed Robbery in Lauderdale County. We no sooner did than we began to receive both public and private posts about this young woman's violent criminal past and questions as to why she was not in prison at the time of her three most recent arrests (two violent). We have enough information on this woman to write a Sunday New York Times article, but here's a tidbit we discovered today. She has also had at least three arrests in Baldwin County, two of them for Robbery:

Baldwin County Mug Shot 2017 - Third Degree Armed Robbery

Byrd is currently serving a short sentence in Lauderdale County Community Corrections (as a state prisoner) for receiving stolen autos. Since that sentence was imposed, she's been involved in a car theft with stabbing and now a solo Armed Robbery. Her family, we're told, has already gotten Judge Ben Graves to reduce her bond amount by over half ($25,000,00) and is angling for no bond at all. 

This woman is no angel. After reading the original news article we linked, we checked and her second flight from "home" was actually an escape from a girls' detention home. Many of her criminal indictments were sealed due to her being a juvenile. We had thought these records were opened if the perp continued down the wrong path, but apparently not in all cases. Readers have sent us accounts of countless petty crimes that were the result of anger and drugs.

Yes, this woman needs help, but she does not need to be free. She has had enough arrests/convictions for violent crimes that she should be sentenced as a habitual violent offender. If Aldani Bryd is given still another slap on the wrist, her next violent crime will be on the hands of Judge Ben Graves. 

(BTW, to the person who said Byrd is a good mother because she's never taken her daughter with her on a robbery, we don't have an answer for you that we could publish in a family blog.)

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