Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Lexington Slut Letter

If you're on Facebook or other social media a great deal, you may have heard of several Lexington area women receiving a letter warning them that their husbands are sleeping with a "slut." Apparently at least 12 women in the conservative little town have been lucky enough to find one in their mailboxes, ostensibly sent from a young married woman whose husband is also sleeping with the sexual dynamo. (Perhaps it's actually an ad for vitamins?)

We have no interest in elaborating on the contents of the letter except to say that most believe it to be true. Yet think about this: Is it true in all 12 cases (and we're thinking more have received letters who aren't admitting it)?

What if 11 husbands were cheating, but the 12th one was completely innocent? Does the young woman who sent these letters realize that she may have broken up a happy marriage in her search for revenge?

Now one other word to this young woman: Men cheat for two reasons. Some are unhappy in their marriage and believe they've found a new soul mate. Can't we rule this one out in the case of your husband and his "slut?" The second motivation is that the man is simply a cheater. We're guessing that's the case with your husband. If you truly want revenge (which is not the best thing to want...ever), look in the Yelp listings under divorce attorneys. Make him sorry he ever took his first breath.

Then in 20 years be sure to remind him how his kids now call another man "Daddy." That's always been one of the best outcomes for someone like your husband! 

Meanwhile at Preston's...

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