Monday, April 8, 2019

Sorry, but God Isn't the Supernatural Being Who Breaks up Families

It's amazing what some people will twist God into. Hey, guy, miss your girlfriend after she was killed in a car wreck? Just tell God you'd like her married sister; we're sure He'd be happy to break up a loving home just so you can have whatever your twisted little heart desires. No?

No! God is not capable of willing evil; you have Him confused with one of His fallen angels. The fact that you would even suggest such a thing says much about you, Eddie Haskell. Look at yourself. You're like the man described to King David. Remember him? He had a heard of sheep but stole from a poor man who had only one lamb? Well, hey, why not? If it feels good, do it.

No. You are not that child's father and for you to wish to turn a beautiful child away from the only parents he's ever known, to turn him into a bastard, is beyond the ken of any caring, logical person. 

Grow up! Try to act like a real man. Prove that everyone has always been wrong about what a sniveling piece of excrement you really are. 

In case any readers are wondering about the above message, we've been forwarded some social media screen shots of a young man who's obviously confused about the difference between good and evil. The person who sent us the shots wanted us to publish them. We are not going to do that. 

We did feel the need to comment on this man's totally irrational behavior and the well-wishers who champion kidnapping, either legal or illegal. Look at yourselves in the mirror and think about what you're advocating. If you think it's a pretty picture, just be assured that no moral person does.

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