Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sex Psychology & Sex Physiology Are Two Different Things

We've seen several comments on the legislative bill to improve sex education in our state. Many are objecting to the lack of traditional moral teaching that this bill would bring about. Don't throw the legitimate baby out with the bathwater.

We've never been sure why the psychology of sex is included in most sex education classes. Does knowing what a fetish is fall into standard sex education? We certainly don't think so. The psychology of sex is fine in its place - that means for those who want to study it and have the approval of parents if they're underage. The physiology of sex is simply the mechanics; for most purposes, it's informing hormone-laden teens how NOT to become pregnant. Ideally, the state curriculum will stick to physiology; if it doesn't, let the powers that be know your wishes. 

If you want your child to learn in school that pre-marital sex is wrong, send him or her to a private religious school. Why? If public schools teach that premarital sex is wrong, per Christian ideology, they will legally have to teach that the "prophet" Mohammad declares sex with a child to be a great thing...and sex with four children is an even greater thing. Please don't say you would actually want this.

If the improved sex education courses are implemented in this state, expect to see induced abortion statistics drop substantially. No unwanted pregnancies, no abortions. It's pretty simple.

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