Monday, December 31, 2018

No Big Pharma? Be Careful What You Wish For

We've recently seen several individuals state they want "Big Pharma" to go out of business. While they may mean well, we doubt they have adequately considered what they're asking for. 

First, we're not sure what these critics call Big Pharma, but assuming it's any mainstream company that produces any pharmaceuticals, they're asking for a return to a much darker time.

No Big Pharma? Then when your three year old daughter needs her appendix out, be prepared to see the medics give her an alcohol enema for pain and a cloth for her to bite on. After all, no one is going to outlaw alcohol, are they?

Arthritis? Live with it or use folk remedies as some have suggested. Cancer? Not too many folk remedies there, are there? No, Big Pharma is about much more than opioids. If you think it should be perfect, please point out one other business or government system that is. 

If you think Big Pharma is the only greedy entity at work here, have you glanced at your anesthesiologist's bill? But wait, he or she is simply paying for an education. That means UAB and other medical schools are to blame; or are the med schools simply trying to pay for the equipment they use in teaching?

In the end, we would have to outlaw the practice of medicine totally to solve these conundrums. Think about it.

Our Shoals Crime post on unsolved murders should be up soon. Don't forget to send the names of any victims that we may have missed. Similarly, we solicit posts for our Quad-Cities Cuisine. Send posts to Remember, if you disagree with a review, we'll be happy to post your rebuttal opinion. Calling J. Redmon or Cherry Pitts or any other reviewer vulgar names is not the most intelligent action in the world, now is it?

The Staff at Shoalanda Asking You to Stay Safe Tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Big pharma needs to get out of the pocket of legislators, their could be many advancements of healthcare if certain things were not held back because of this.
