Sunday, December 23, 2018

That Polling Place Incident

We're always glad to see young people take an interest in politics. Yet, there's one young lady who may not be quite so eager next time. This particular young woman was both attacked physically and presumably accused of violating polling laws - she wasn't.

On the day of the election, this campaigner was standing the required 30 feet from the polling place when a car drove by and an occupant threw hot coffee at her; she was holding a sign promoting the candidacy of Johnny Mack Morrow for the state senate.

Then Larry Stutts himself showed up and began to take photos of her. Police who were present told him to cease. Yep, that's our state senator. Before you make any assumption, no, we didn't draw the above cartoon. One of our talented readers did. 

We here at Shoalanda also learned something during the past election. If you support someone on moral grounds instead of party affiliation, you're a liberal. We look forward to a Hitler/Khomeini Republican presidential ticket in two years...

1 comment:

  1. The young lady was supposed to be 17, so why wasn't she in school? She wasn't of voting age, so couldn't have been a republican voter as her sign stated. The Morrow campaign had agree to cover up the elephant logo, and the state election officer when told they hadn't told them to send him a picture. Stutts stopped and did that. The Police was called by one of the workers. He was sitting sending the picture to the state when the police showed up.
