Friday, June 30, 2023

How Secret is Muscle Shoals High's New Turf Contract?


They Don't Call Chad the OG for Nothing!

Just how much of a secret is the Muscle Shoals High athletics improvement plan? It depends on whom one asks.

After mentioning the new stadium Astro Turf, readers have popped up with rumors/facts/questions/answers/complaints about what's actually going on with the Muscle Shoals School System. While the new athletic plan has been publicized elsewhere, most have been kept in the dark in Muscle Shoals.

There will be more than new turf? We're were going with a positive answer for that, but are waiting for word from a system source.  There's to be a baseball field or two? Hallelujah! Wait, is that just wishful thinking? The athletic department has interviewed two baseball coaches from out of state to replace the belligerent Beck? More wishful thinking?

First, the cost of the new Astro Turf:

While Johnson Construction (this company had the original contract, meaning any warranty should have been applied) was awarded the contract, one source has told us that final expenses were well above the 600K budget initially proposed by the board.

One local sports pundit has suggested the system doesn't want to mention paying off Blake Beck's contract. Really? He doesn't have tenure and he wouldn't be the first baseball coach terminated by the school. They should owe him very little, if anything. We understand the Parks & Rec Dept. will help him pack.

It's quite a mystery, isn't it? Especially since still another insider has told us none of this was in the board's know, an actual public vote on turf replacement or any other additions. We're currently awaiting still another missing piece of information on this new complex, so stay tuned...


This is Pacifica. She's an 18 month-old German Shepherd mix of unknown weight. Drop by the shelter this week to adopt this beauty. It's just off Chisholm Road in the industrial park.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Our First Caption Contest!


Over the years, we've seen some very interesting mugshots. Many of them just scream for their own caption, so here goes. We won't post names of these felons or petty criminals, nor do we want commentary on looks. In other words, if our subject has a schnozz the size Wisconsin, we don't need to mention that. No, we just want your caption of what the person is thinking or trying to communicate to his/her fans out there.

You may post in Facebook comments or send to us via if you would like something more anonymous. We'll publish your best shot without revealing your name.

Here's our first one. Is this woman horrified of the camera? Has she just seen the headless ghost left over from the old Franklin County Jail? Just remember to keep it clean...


This is Velouria - probably so named because her coat looks like soft black velvet. She's looking for a home away from the bustle of the shelter. You can find this 18 month-old Pit Bull mix waiting at the Florence animal shelter just off Chisholm in the industrial park.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Who Was That Masked Man? Lexington's Own Wesley Evan Van Horn


Remember last year when two Lexington, Alabama, men were arrested carrying guns at an Idaho pride event? 

Two Lexington Yutes

It seems that one of them, Wesley Evan Van Horn, is the network leader of the Patriot Front in Alabama and Florida. The Patriot Front is considered a Neo-Nazi group that hates Muslims, Gays, Blacks, Jews, and Women. Is there anyone out there that this group doesn't hate? Put a little love in your heart!

Van Horn was recognized this past week at a demonstration in Prattville, a small city outside Montgomery. Everyone else was able to hide behind a mask, but Van Horn couldn't resist removing his in order to shout at a spectator who disagreed with him.

APR: Hate Unmasked

The local white supremacist also has trouble here at home. His ex-wife Kayla Borden, aka Kayla Van Horn of Colbert County, is suing her ex-husband claiming rape and also violence directed to their children. We do have to wonder how long it took for Kayla to discover Wesley hates women. 

To any thinking of joining the Patriot Front, please explain what you have done in life that has elevated you above anyone else. We'll be waiting for your reply...


This is Glossy. She's a one year-old German Shepherd/Lab mix who would love nothing more than to join your family. You can meet her at the Florence shelter on Roberson Road in the industrial park:

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Don't Ask What Happens to These 32 Dogs on Friday


There's currently over 100 dogs at Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services, and the number just keeps growing. There isn't enough food, there's not enough money in the budget, and there's not enough hours in the day to take care of them. 

If nothing is done by closing on Thursday, Friday will see a purge that no dog lover ever wants to see. Want to stop it? Here's what you can do:

1. Donate dye-free dog kibble to the shelter. You can drop it by or send it via Amazon to 3240 Roberson Road in the Florence Industrial Park. Dog treats and toys are also welcome.

2. Foster a dog. The shelter will provide supplies; you just need to provide a roof and a lot of love. At some point, you will see your charge leave and start a new life elsewhere. It hurts, but it's also very rewarding.

3. Adopt one of these beauties. If there ever was a perfect time to adopt, it's now. Some dogs already have all fees paid. Even for those who don't, it's a small price to pay for years of love.

4. Volunteer. Stop by the shelter to see how you can help. Can you do a load of laundry? Can you walk these loving dogs? Can you buckle down and clean kennels? 

5. Share any posts you see about the shelter. You may not have room for another dog at this time, but someone on your friends list may.


So exactly how do you get to the shelter? We'll assume everyone knows where Seven Points is in Florence...

1. From the Seven Points intersection, turn north onto Chisholm Road.

2. Continue to travel north, crossing Cox Creek Parkway.

3. Turn right onto Roberson Road at the Lauderdale County Health Department.

4. Travel 0.4 mile; the shelter will be on the right.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Who Gets Muscle Shoals' Old Astro Turf?


After yesterday's blog, we had several ask the disposition of the "old" Astro Turf being ripped up from the Muscle Shoals High School football field. This is all we know at this point:

How long was the current turf guaranteed for? A former member of the BOE has stated it was marketed as lasting at least 20 years and is now around nine years old.

How much will the replacement cost?

Click to Enlarge

What will happen to the current turf? We have no idea, but welcome any answers from those who do.

Why didn't the BOE use the money for a baseball field or to hire a competent baseball coach? Again, we don't know the board's reasoning. We do know, as should any one with any ability to use their brain, that the baseball coach, staff, athletic director, or superintendent have NO right to complain at this point. The school had funds to go a long way to the much NEEDED field, but chose instead to replace nine-year old artificial grass on the football field.


This is Steve. He's an 18 month-old American Staffordshire Terrier mix of unknown weight. He's patiently waiting for his furever home at the Florence Shelter off Chisholm Road in Florence.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Why Does Muscle Shoals Need New Astro Turf?


From a Muscle Shoals reader:

(We did check, and if the school installed Astro Turf brand artificial grass, it should be expected to last 20-25 years.)

Goodness me, Muscle Shoals City School Board has once again followed right along with the follies of Basden and Holden by replacing the Astro-Turf on the football field.
When was the astro-turf originally put down - something like 8 or 9 years ago?

How many tracks are going to be replaced at the taxpayers expense - yet the TAXPAYERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE TRACKS - some bogus excuse that we are destructive.

Good job Holdy, Bassssdy, and the Boardy. Most of you came from There to Here and just dumbed things down, and STILL DON'T HAVE A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP.

More money thrown to Basden while ACT SCORES DIPPED 1.2 POINTS - THE MOST OF ALL SCHOOLS IN THE SHOALS. KUDOS TO WATERLOO WHO RAISED THEIR SCORES and LEXINGTON FOR STAYING THE SAME. Maybe - just maybe, if you would spend more time and attention to academics that affect NATIONAL TESTING (not the cooked books in Muscle Shoals Schools), we may see our children out of the "F" category in ACT testing.



This is Jake, described as a Hound mix. He's four years old, with weight unknown. He's waiting for his fur-ever family at the Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services in the Florence Industrial Park:

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Colbert County "Shadow Pervert"


At Least It's Not In F!rence

A Colbert County reader has contacted us about statuary on the courthouse lawn. Innocent by day - perverted by night. This isn't the first well-intended statue to appear to represent something unwholesome or perhaps just humorous: Colbert County Gets Hip.

How can this be fixed? We would think an improved placement of flood lights might take care of this problem. It's worth a try.


This is Lenny. Could you be his Squiggy? He's a 10 month-old Lab mix and just waiting for you at the Florence Shelter on Roberson Road in the industrial park:

Friday, June 23, 2023

Gummies Are Now "Gel Squares"


Our legislature, while drafting legislation to legalize medical marijuana, made sure to specify the product wouldn't be marketed in candy form. It also specified that the "gummy" form would be only peach flavored to discourage children from consuming them.

How much is wrong with the above picture? Quite a bit.

First the flavor; check online and you will find grapefruit gummies for sale, as well as pomegranate. Who thought peach was the absolute worst flavor?

Then we have the word "gummy" itself:

We see that a gummy is now called a "gel square" for purposes of inserting medicinal marijuana. Once again, our legislature and its various legal commissions have saved the day.

Uh, did we mention there's a new lawsuit against the commission. Stay tuned...


This is Dorothy. She's 18 months old and comes without red shoes, but with a lot of love and saliva. Weight is unknown, but she's thought to be a Staffordshire Terrier mix. You can adopt this lovely addition to any family at the Florence Shelter just off Chisholm Road in the industrial park:

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Just What Do Sheffield Citizens Get for Their Money?


Anyone with an ounce of common sense can plainly see that 'something is wrong' in Sheffield, especially with the Street Department.

For example: NO one has been able to determine which algorithm the department uses to decide 'which potholes get patched (not to be confused with FIXED) and which ones get ignored". Neither can anyone ascertain 'why' the Street Department decided 'residents were solely responsible for maintaining alleyways and street gutters'.

I imagine a detailed analysis of the Street Department's budget over the past 20 years would raise some eyebrows and beg the question: Just what ARE we Sheffield residents getting for our tax dollars?

As always,


This is Bo. He's a Golden Retriever mix, and the experts are pretty sure his father came from a good neighborhood. He's only 13 months old, weight unknown. You can visit Bo at the Florence Shelter on Roberson Road just off Chisholm in the industrial park:

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Was Lauderdale Inmate...?


On the morning of Thursday, June 8th, authorities arrested Donny Lee Montgomery on a charge of Driving Under the Influence - Alcohol. Later in the day, two other charges were added, presumably related to outstanding Domestic Violence warrants. The 41 year-old Florence man was going to be spending a few days in the Lauderdale County Detention Center.

The following Monday, ...

The balance of this blog has been redacted due to the possibility of anyone being unfairly chastised in the matter. We do plan to have more on this later.


This is Jones. He ain't nothin' but a hound dog in need of a home. Jones is approximately two and one-half years old - unknown weight. You can see Jones and his buddies at the Florence-Lauderdale Shelter on Roberson Road just off Chisholm in the industrial park:

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

City Employee Brian Murphy Accused of Belittlement & Mockery


If you're not familiar with the story so far...

Two years ago, Florence exploded with demonstrations from the group Project Say Something to remove the Confederate memorial from Lauderdale County Courthouse property. One of the leaders of the PSS demonstrations was City of Florence employee Brian Murphy, now director of Pope's Tavern Museum and the Indian Mound complex.

Not long after the advent of these demonstrations, Florence political activist David Carson launched counter protests. Carson, a city taxpayer, often wore clothing with a U.S. flag pattern.

Above and below are photos of Brian Murphy in similar garb and carrying a placard supporting Marxism. At the time, supporters of Murphy called the museum director a "performance artist." During this period, Murphy also took part in a demonstration against the City of Florence, his own employer.


Flash forward to June 2023: We find that Murphy, now known for prevarication and infidelity, is being considered for a city department head position. How does that work? Publicly protest your employer and receive a huge promotion?

As for the protests themselves, we don't support either faction in an endeavor that can easily turn violent and ruin careers. That being said, no matter the cause, a city employee in a position of some power should never publicly make fun of/ridicule any citizen. Such actions demonstrate the real character of an individual. 

In Tuesday's Florence city council meeting, David Carson spoke against promoting Murphy, accusing him of belittling and mocking certain citizens. We totally agree with Mr. Carson. Many of our readers expressed shock at a Salvation Army leader calling a drunk vagrant names. How much worse is it when a city employee acts in that manner to a taxpaying citizen?

Want to know more of Brian Murphy's egregious behavior? Here's a short read: New Florence Museum Director?


This is Sunflower. She's a beautiful one-year-old Lab mix just waiting for you at the Florence-Lauderdale shelter on Roberson Road in the Industrial Park. Travel north on Chisholm Road and turn right at the health department to get to know this beautiful girl:

Monday, June 19, 2023

Finding Homes for Those 100+ Dogs


Months after the confiscation of scores of dogs from the eastern end of Lauderdale County, Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services still has over 100 dogs in need of a home. Even with many going to a northern rescue, the numbers are more than the shelter can reasonably handle. 

We're sure that there are many in our reading audience who would love to adopt one of these best friends for their own. After all, they've intended to, but keep forgetting. We're going to make it slightly more difficult for you to forget; we're going to be showcasing one of these dogs each day in Shoalanda Speaks and The Hidden Shoals.

Sure, some of our over 14K Facebook readers overlap the shelter's 33K, but still many don't. Also, at least 25% of those who read our blogs go directly to the sites and bypass Facebook. Let's make sure these readers know about the dogs as well.

What happens when we've showcased all the dogs? We'll start on the cats...


This is Chelsea. She's 14 months old and a lab mix. You can adopt her at the shelter on Roberson Road off Chisholm:

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day 2023


According to the CDC, for every 100 infants born in Alabama, 46.5% do not have a father in the home. Imagine a Shoals elementary school with 200 students entering kindergarten; 93 of these children have no male role model. Why does the CDC track these numbers? Because fatherless children are a type of social disease.

Instead of prosecuting woman who seek to terminate a pregnancy, why doesn't our legislature seek to prosecute men who fail to live up to their parental responsibilities?

You don't have to be a perfect father to be a good father. Hang in there - your children need you.

Shoalanda & Staff

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Where's the Bill to Charge Guards with Murder?


Greg Nard is the third Lauderdale County state inmate to die from a presumed drug overdose in recent memory. While we're sure few are grieving over the death of this convicted murderer, he was still the responsibility of the Alabama Department of Corrections.

All citizens should be concerned that prison staff (usually guards/jailers) bring in drugs for monetary payment. What does that say about us as a state?

So where's the bill in our state legislature to make drug smuggling resulting in death a Class A felony? To make it felony murder? 


This is Fizz. She's a lab mix who's under the age of two. She can be seen at the Florence Shelter on Roberson Road in the industrial park off Chisholm:

Friday, June 16, 2023

Lawrence County to Get Dispensary...Maybe


If you haven't heard, medical marijuana dispensaries are temporarily on hold. Why? The board has cited irregularities in the selection of those awarded licenses. What that means is anyone's guess.

However, it's interesting to note that only two North Alabama locations are definitely known to be on the current list - one in Owens Crossroads and one in Lawrence County. The Lawrence County dispensary is owned by Benjamin Moultrie who owns Trinity Discount Drugs, Moultrie Pharmacy Caddo, and Moultrie Pharmacy Langtown. Dr. Moultrie is also on the Trinity town council. He holds the license as RJK Holdings AL.

Wouldn't you love to be the proverbial fly on the wall during the next meeting of the state's cannabis commission?

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Put a Star in Your Crown: Adopt Grover!


We were about to suggest adopting one of the over 100 dogs available at the Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services when we noticed that Grover is still waiting for his special someone. Could you be it?

Were you a nerd or nerdette in high school?

Would you like some time apart each day from your star boarder?

Do you have a large back yard or a desire to visit the North Woof Dog Park regularly?

If you answered yes to these three questions, you sound like the perfect parent for Grover, who has spent half of his six years on earth at the shelter. Why? He's shy! And just a tad nervous (we're not sure if this will affect your carpet or not, so be sure to ask).

So please adopt Grover. Wallflowers need love too!

But if you absolutely have to have a statement canine, here's three shepherd mixes that promise to draw attention wherever you go:

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Sheffield Citizen Speaks


Above: Do Sheffield police give parking tickets to USPS for using a handicap space?

Now, from a reader:

I've lived in Sheffield all my life. The town has never had good leadership. You seem surprised that Sheffield would not follow the flag code. I've never seen the town do anything the right way. 

No one thinks there will really be an Inspiration Landing, but no one will come out and object to our city blowing all our taxpayer dollars on the almost zero chance that we could actually see some tourist dollars. 

If you had a limited amount of money to spend on your vacation where would you rather go - Dollywood or Inspiration Landing? Steve Stanley has over two more years in office and he has to know he won't be re-elected. Why doesn't he stand up for a town he claims to love?

Our reader presents an interesting question. Why are the citizens of Sheffield willing to wait 28 more months to pull the plug on John Elkington's boondoggle?

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

NOW You Want to Honor the Flag Code


Apparently a great many locals are upset at the desecration of the U.S. flag at a recent White House event. Really?

We can remember when several in the area supported the desecration of the flag at Wilson School when three students died. How about the City of Sheffield desecrating the flag when police officer Risner was killed? 

Aren't you just a little inconsistent with your "cherished" beliefs? Bottom line: If you didn't care then, we don't believe you really care now.


Be sure to check out the new format on the Quad-Cities Daily!

Monday, June 12, 2023

No Cannabis for Muscle Shoals & Sheffield?


Florence is ready for business. So is Killen and Lauderdale County. Across the river, Tuscumbia is also ready for an influx of medical marijuana customers.

Colbert County? No. Muscle Shoals? No. Sheffield? No.

At least Sheffield has an excuse. With all that revenue from Inspiration Landing, what's losing a little profit from the sale of pot?


It may not be pot, but this Sheffield vehicle on 12th Street & Atlanta Avenue seems to be growing something:

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Cannabis Licenses Awarded

And the winners are...

Integrated facility: 
Flowerwood Medical Cannabis, 
Southeast Cannabis Company, 
Sustainable Alabama, 
TheraTrue Alabama, 
Verano Alabama.

(Integrated licensees will be authorized to cultivate, process, transport, and dispense medical cannabis. Each integrated licensee can have up to five dispensaries).

Blackberry Farms; 
Gulf Shore Remedies; 
Pure by Sirmon Farms; 
Twisted Herb Cultivation.

1819 Labs; 
Enchanted Green; 
Jasper Development Group, Inc.; 
Organic Harvest Lab.

CCS of Alabama; 
RJK Holdings AL: 
Statewide Property Holdings AL: 
Yellowhammer Medical Dispensaries.

Alabama Secure Transport; 
International Communication; 
Tyler Van Lines.

Testing lab: 
Certus Laboratories.

There are a few names that we can rule out being local. Any readers know any of these companies?

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Once Again, TimesDaily is on Top of It


For a calendar with only 12 months in the year, we have a myriad of celebrations: Black History Month, Women's History Month, Pride Month... You get the idea.

Unless it's sports related, the TimesDaily doesn't seem to cover anything pithy, much less what could be considered offensive to some. Let's not offend those advertisers.

That brings us to Pride Month. How many events will anyone who writes here actually attend? We haven't taken a survey, but a good guess is zero. Yet, if someone actually wanted to attend, how would they know about these festivities?

It certainly wouldn't be from the TimesDaily. That rag posted a schedule of several Saturday events - on Sunday. How did the editors make that mistake?


While on the subject of advertising that misses the mark, why is the symbol for the new Seven Points monthly market a maple leaf?

Friday, June 9, 2023

Progress at Colbert Shelter


We have been both surprised and pleased at the progress at the Colbert County animal shelter. Things are looking up...and without help from the county officials who should be promoting the facility.

Just keeping enough food in stock for the animals has long been a chore for the shelter. This should never be the case, but sadly is in many shelters including Lauderdale.

The Colbert shelter currently needs both wet and dry dog food. Those who wish to help can drop it off or have it sent via Amazon.

Colbert County Animal Shelter

5010 Missouri Avenue

Tuscumbia, AL  35674

10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

No Stadium for College Street?


Most of us here and several others had our money on UNA's new stadium being built near the West College Street extension. If the new facility is built on current university property, what happens with the College Street bridge project?

Here's a basic map below. Anyone have any insight or inside info into this: