Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Sheffield Citizen Speaks


Above: Do Sheffield police give parking tickets to USPS for using a handicap space?

Now, from a reader:

I've lived in Sheffield all my life. The town has never had good leadership. You seem surprised that Sheffield would not follow the flag code. I've never seen the town do anything the right way. 

No one thinks there will really be an Inspiration Landing, but no one will come out and object to our city blowing all our taxpayer dollars on the almost zero chance that we could actually see some tourist dollars. 

If you had a limited amount of money to spend on your vacation where would you rather go - Dollywood or Inspiration Landing? Steve Stanley has over two more years in office and he has to know he won't be re-elected. Why doesn't he stand up for a town he claims to love?

Our reader presents an interesting question. Why are the citizens of Sheffield willing to wait 28 more months to pull the plug on John Elkington's boondoggle?

1 comment:

  1. Inspiration Landing will be up and running before we see Sheffield PD enforce traffic or parking laws and ordnances.
