Monday, July 26, 2021

What a Drug Addict Looks Like


We're sure statistics vary from site to site, from source to source, but generally speaking, 1 in 5 addicts never recover. These individuals sink deeper and deeper into their drug use and the nefarious pursuits that enable them to support their habits. 

While we sympathize with their plight, we sympathize more with their victims. We have three readers who have contacted us over the years to solicit our help in obtaining some kind of justice regarding 36 year-old Brady Ann Irons. Unfortunately, the justice system itself seems to be working to keep Irons in the free world where she can defraud others.

Irons recently had arrests in Lauderdale/Florence in May, June, and July. Her last arrest was a drug trafficking charge, so she may now see some actual prison time. Yet, it's another arrest that is interesting at so many levels.

On or around July 5th, a fugitive recovery agent came looking for Irons. It seems she never returned to Autauga County to face theft charges from February 2020. According to the bounty hunter, when Irons realized that she was being arrested, she downed a handful of pills. 

Brady Ann Irons is pictured above in the bounty hunter's vehicle - handcuffed and passed out on her way south. It's not a good look for anyone. Do we think she can kick her habit if she's incarcerated for a long time? That we don't know, but we do know that this catch and release system isn't helping her to regain any quality of life.


  1. 'You can lead a horse to water, but....' Addicts must first admit they have a problem, then seek help. Most addicts have run from 'personal responsibility' their whole lives. It's not society's responsibility to chase after them and coddle them.

  2. i dont know about prison time but i do know this she is still human and if she swollowed a hand full of pills she should be in the back of a abulance not cop car if she was to stop breathing and die what then
