Thursday, July 8, 2021

Tim Melson & Andy Betterton Square Off


We're not sure why architect Charlie Smith didn't check into the availability of sewer lines when he designed the new Ag Center. Or perhaps, Sen. Tim Melson told Smith that the city's lines would be made available for the project? If that was the case, it seems Melson was wrong.

The City of Florence has an ordinance that caps lines at the city limits. While Andy Betterton (pictured above in his famous wall-holding pose) indicated the city might make an exception for a government entity, it will under no circumstances make exceptions for the retail outlets the ag center is expected to bring.

That's when the fight started...

Melson called Florence a stagnant city and offered up criticism of the new College Street mural, calling it a waste of $27,000.00 when a UNA art student would have worked gratis. We admit to becoming lost on that comparison, but it did allow Tim to call the city and Andy foolish. We've always said Tim has a way with words when he needs to charm others.

Now the Ag Center may be forced to join the city...or set up a legion of porta-potties. Everyone stay tuned while we run to Wally World for popcorn.

1 comment:

  1. How does CROW taste with a little ketchup Shoalanda??? BUT, of course, you and your "crowd" would NEVER admit that Betterton did a great thing for the city when Melson was instigating another theft of services. I wonder if Andy consulted with Nancy Pelosi (like you local rightwing radical Repulsivecans have accused him of doing on every decision) before standing up to old Tim???? Don't get me wrong, I am not a Betterton fan but believe in giving credit when due......something that gnaws at you as we ALL know Shoalanda! BTW, Tim was right about the mural.... but somehow I think Dick had more to do with that waste of taxpayer money than Andy.
