Sunday, July 4, 2021

An Independence Day Extra


J. Redmon has sent some pithy thoughts to round out the holiday:

One has to wonder who is advising Florence's mayor, especially with regards to the decision to cancel the traditional Independence Day Freedom Celebration. I can assume (Yeah. I know.) that every city and wide spot in a road around us celebrating Independence Day with music and fireworks had access to the same information on which to base this decision.

I imagine the mayor's faulty decision (another one) has cost The Shoals a fair amount in tourism dollars. This won't be forgotten.


The 4th of July is a time when Americans celebrate our FREEDOMS. These freedoms were bought and paid for by the sweat, blood, tears, and sacrifices of Patriots. Even today, forces without and within America are working to destroy the greatest nation on Earth.

Having said this:

* If America offends you; LEAVE

* If OUR flag offends you; LEAVE
* If OUR Constitution offends you; LEAVE
* If OUR National Anthem offends you; LEAVE
* If OUR language offends you; LEAVE
* If OUR laws offend you; LEAVE
* If OUR history offends you; LEAVE

But: if you are willing to work hard, obey our laws, raise your family responsibly, and contribute to your community; WELCOME to the greatest country in the history of the world.


J. Redmon


  1. BRAVO, J. Redmon !
    Too bad more people don't appreciate their hard-won Freedoms ... They would be the first ones screaming, "...But why didn't you DO something ?" if they lost those Freedoms. I call them 'The Pusillanimous Patriots'.

  2. J Redmon left one out.........If radical right wing reactionary's try to destroy the country's peaceful transfer of power through an insurrection on the capitol; FIGHT BACK! INFORMED electorate armed with FACTS will keep this country angry mob following the propaganda of a madman will destroy ANY country....AND HAS!

  3. So, if people believe, and there are vast amounts of evidence building through audits, that the election was 'manipulated' via Technology and Criminality, will all 'thinking' Americans be labeled as, "Right Wing Reactionaries" ? Gee, and here I thought we were moving past the labels of insanity like calling people "Racists", despite 99.9% of them never having a predisposition toward racism in their lives. The arguments are getting old. The rhetoric is sad in it's fragility. The pathos of the Left exploits Lies being fed them to the detriment of ALL of us. Ethos is how we defend ourselves against seductive lies that appeal to our better selves, and appear as noble endeavors, but actually are cruel tricks. These can draw us into indefensible acts with horrific outcomes if we are not careful. January 6th was a 'Setup'. History will prove it. When that Truth comes out, do not ask me how I knew, ask YOURSELF why you DIDN'T.

  4. 01/06 has been demonstrated to have been a 'false flag' event organized and instigated by Antifa and the FBI. ALL of the evidence available points to that.
