Monday, July 12, 2021

"Deadbeat" Dem Disses DA


“We believe you made these kids in private, you should take care of them in private. There’s never a good outcome when the state gets involved.”

Those are the words of the Democratic Party Chair from Lawrence County, Alabama. Marcus J. Echols is specifically criticizing the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office. To cut to the chase, this is why so many rational individuals eschew the Democratic Party. Just ignore this buffoon and vote for the better/best candidate. Not all Dems are cut from Echols' cloth.

We also have to ask: Doesn't Lawrence County have enough problems to keep Chairman Echols busy? Why is he attempting to contribute to controversy in Lauderdale?


Ladies, again, we say: Think before you have unprotected sex. If he doesn't care enough to make a small investment at the Walmart Pharmacy, he doesn't care enough to support any child that comes from the liaison. 


  1. Shoalanda, I have a pretty good "google" attachment on my computer.....after many years of following Alabama politics and those of the radical right in general and their "pronouncements" as truth I found I needed to keep my machine oiled and humming at all times to sift through fact from republican "fact" which was always "fiction" (OR LIES, JUST PLAIN OLD LIES!!) NOW, not that you would EVER just make stuff up to print on your blog....hmmm(feel the sarcasm coming through my keyboard?) but; the statement attributed to Marcus Elliot doesn't sound like one any democrat I have ever met would make....could it be gossip you gleaned from one of your "Repulsivecan" friends or colleagues? My google machine could not find the quote anywhere on the webs and as I said it is pretty good....PAPERS PLEASE?!?!?!?! How about a source WITH the quote?

    1. 1. We don't "print" our blog, we publish online.
      2. The man's name is Echols, not Elliot. Perhaps that's why you couldn't find it?
      3. Here's the link:

    2. Shoalanda, I take mustard on my crow. Alright, you got me on that one and when taken just as a stand alone statement Mr. Echols pronouncement does sound as if it is only one third of the way baked. BUT, he was advocating for a grace period from the Lauderdale county DA child support office before a round up of parents who could not make payments during a pandemic and with added fees and legal cost would only prevent the children from getting the money they deserve because it is going to the STATE. A reasonable position. Just a case of WATCH WHAT YOU SAY and HOW you frame it......unless you PUBLISH a blog ANONYMOUSLY and then just spread whatever you want..creamy or crunchy.

  2. An 'attachment' is 'extra' information 'attached', or included with an email. I think you meant you were using Google's 'app'. Don't worry: You aren't the only Marxists that doesn't know what he's talking about.
